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2025 Application for Accreditation


Please read information below before starting your application. 


Once you have submitted your application you may not make additional changes.

**Click here to download application attachment checklist before you get started. Use this as a reference when gathering and labeling your documents for the Accreditation Application.** 


I. Completing the application (Deadline: April 1, 2025 at 6pm ET)

All questions in application must be answered.

Save your progress by clicking "SAVE" at the bottom of the application. The application will save automatically every few minutues but to guarantee all your answers have been saved, click "save" at the bottom of the application.

Where possible, please attach all required documents to this application. Attachments must be included before submitting the application to TAA. Attachments need to be labeled as indicated. Once an application has been submitted, you cannot make edits or upload additional attachments. Applications will not be reviewed until all attachments have been received. It is the responsibility of the applicant to confirm that all materials are received by TAA. It may take up to 14 weeks for processing once your application has been submitted. 

In addition to this online application, your veterinarian is required to submit a Vet Reference Form for each facility directly to TAA. Click here for a copy of this form.

II. Important notices

Upon receipt of this completed application, including all attachments (collectively, the “Application”), TAA will conduct a formal review of its contents. Following Application review, TAA may request additional information from Applicant.

If passed on to the next phase, a site inspection will be scheduled for each facility housing Applicant's horses prior to accreditation. A TAA Site Inspector will visit Applicant's facility/facilities for the purpose of confirming that Applicant's facilities and protocols are consistent with information included in Applicant's Application and otherwise consistent with the standards set forth in the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) Code of Standards for Thoroughbred Aftercare Organizations ("Code").

Following review of this Application and completion of the site inspection(s), Applicant will be eligible for accreditation and will be notified of its status upon final review and approval by the TAA Board of Directors.

III. Definitions

Accreditation: The process by which individual organizations shall be certified to be in compliance with the Code. The levels of accreditation are as follows:

  • Full Accreditation: Accreditation without condition or limitation. 
  • Provisional Accreditation: Application was approved and inspections complete, but accreditation is conditioned upon the future implementation of specifically identified standards according to a specified timetable in order to attain Full Accreditation.
  • Probationary Accreditation: Full or Provisional Accreditation subject to revocation in absence of curing specifically identified deficiencies in a specified timeframe.

Plan(s): Any request for a plan or plans in this document will be satisfied by a written document that includes but is not limited to a definitive series of measures to be taken, a list of responsible personnel to implement those measures, resources needed to carry out those measures, a reporting system, a compliance mechanism, and a reasonable timetable for instituting change.    

If you click "Begin Application" you have read and agree with all of the above information.

Begin Application

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